Tuesday, May 26, 2009


With so much change going on--leaving Seattle, heading across the country, and moving back to Chicago, I figured I'd give blogging a whirl. If nothing else, it'll give me a chance to capture the journey over the next few days, weeks, months, whatever. At least this way I won't have to pester half of the American public with email updates, facebook entries, text messages, phone calls, or whatever the hell twitter does.

I'll do my best to make sure entries are entertaining, or at least somewhat relevant and/or interesting for the casual reader. I'll cover my travel across the country, career things, sports, entertainment or newsworthy stuff, but for the most part my posts will be what I'm up to, what I'm thinking, and what I'm trying not to forget.

And interactivity is encouraged, so if you have comments to share, please do....it's nice to know I won't be talking to myself. And you might even learn something new on here, but I'm not making any guarantees. There's a subscribe feature somewhere on this page (to your right? below?) that'll send you email updates when I've written something new, or you can just bookmark it. Either way, make sure to visit from time to time.

So you may be asking, what is up with the Delta Whiskey name? Is this some kind of comic book character? A drink you order at a bar in Louisiana?

The short answer is I really couldn't think of anything creative, so I used my initials in military "slang" or "code" or whatever the official term for it is. To the best of my understanding the military (and many others) adopted words for each letter of the alphabet to avoid confusion. When D sounds like T you can get easily mixed up, so they've error proofed the alphabet. You've probably had some customer service rep read a confirmation code back to you using some variation on it.

TANGENT (these will happen, a lot, so I'm putting in another color): does anyone really write down confirmation codes? Wouldn't an email confirmation be enough with the code in it? Do they really think I'm sitting there with a pen and paper writing it down?

Anyhow, some names are better suited than others for clever "handles" and I think mine's pretty average. You can find out yours by checking out the letters/words below. And now you know where Victor Charlie came from during the Vietnam war. V.C = Viet Cong. You can also post comments on my blog using your handle and its a way to be anonymous (well, sorta).

A: Alpha
B: Bravo
C: Charlie
D: Delta
E: Echo
F: Foxtrot
G: Golf
H: Hotel
I: India
J: Juliet
K: Kilo
L: Lima
M: Mike
N: November
O: Oscar
P: Papa
Q: Quebec
R: Romeo
S: Sierra
T: Tango
U: Uniform
V: Victor
W: Whiskey
X: X-Ray
Y: Yankee
Z: Zulu