I realize my infrequent posts probably aren't ideal when it comes to getting a loyal following, but rest assured ADW friends--there's been plenty of activity in my world. To my surprise--people actually read some of what I write, but its been tough to find time to hop on for life updates, reflection, social commentary, and all of the other nonsense you've come to expect on the internet's most random, ADD-fueled, website.
But I figured I'd try a new format today, which should flow similar to your local newscast. Let's see how this goes:
Delta Whiskey Accepts New Job!
As of August 2, I'll begin a new role at an organization that provides a broad range of diagnostic services (blood tests, tissue samples, DNA testing, prenatal testing, etc.) to patients/caregivers in Illinois and Wisconsin. The job will be a big challenge--the organization provides a large volume/variety of services and I'll have more responsibility than I've had in previous roles. But I'm very encouraged after conversations during my interviews that the company and its leaders are enthusaistic about improving how they care for patients which is the critical component to my work.
Just as I coach teams to do, I did some thoughtful planning around how to make sure its a job that works for me both now and long-term, and I feel confident that the job will give me a chance to push myself, learn, and help others in an organization that supports me in those aims. I'm not crazy enough to think the job is going to be easy, and there will be lots of learning for me to do...high school chemistry was NOT a strength of mine, but lucky for me a knowledge of the Periodic Table was not part of their screening process.
In terms of work/life balance, the job also allows me to take the train to and from work, which gives me back 2 hours of my life a day that I had been spending in the car with white knuckles, listening to Sports Talk radio. That's time I can spend reading, working, writing (good news for ADW fans?), or relaxing without the traffic and stress that came with a 30+mile commute to and from the South Side. No guarantees I'll stop listening to sports talk radio, but definitely fewer days of white knuckles and stressful commutes.
Romeo Sierra, Delta Whiskey Enjoying All Summer Has to Offer!
Outside of work, Romeo Sierra and I have had a great few months. With any relationship, there's a period of learning about each other as individuals, which evenutally leads to learning about how we are as a couple. Our ability to communicate, trust each other, and support each other are hallmarks of a healthy relationship, and she and I have been great about learning what we need from each other for us to have what we need. Neither of us are relationship 'pros', but we share a common interest in improving as boyfriends/girlfriends.
Besides all of that serious dating stuff, she's a ton of fun. I may have met my match in terms of interest/energy/curiousity and extroversion...which has made for a ton of great times together that are certain to continue. We're headed to a party tonight at the place we originally met which will be fun and a chance to think back on that night a bit...Without her chutzpah and a helping hand from mutual friends Alpha Sierra and Juliet Kilo we may have never met, and I'm a lucky guy that we did!
Birthdays, Retirements, Holidays
In the family, there's been plenty of things to celebrate. As many know, my dad hung up the stethoscope and now spends his days exercising (wooo hooo!), helping my ma around the house, volunteering at the Botanic Gardens, and spending time with his grand kids. The rumors of him joining the professional Solitaire tour are completely false, but if he ever decides to pursue that goal I have no doubt he'd dominate! I'll see what I can do about getting an interview with him for the ADW readers.
My niece turned 6 last week, which was a blast for all of the family to celebrate. For her gift, we got her an i-pod with playlists from the family of our favorite music. Sure, she may be young for an ipod, but she loves music and its much cooler to be rocking out to Pearl Jam than adding another doll to the orphanage of retired action figures in my sisters basement! And in terms of my playlist, it included most of my favorite bands: Metallica, Wilco, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, White Stripes, Weezer, etc., and I'm keeping my fingers crossed she likes at least ONE of those songs. But with Taylor Swift, High School Musical, and Beyonce competing for her airtime I dont see that happening!
Local Sports
Golf Game Struggling on the Scorecard
Last year I had nothing but time to devote to improving my golf game. I played 46 rounds in 2009 and my golf swing was consistent, reliable, and easy which led to great scores. This year I've played 6 times, with plenty of good shots but a lot more bad shots and not-so-great scores.
But more important than the number on the scorecard has been hanging with friends (many who I didn't see much while out in Seattle), getting away for a few hours of relaxation, and goofing around. But I still try to get a club in my hand every week, even if its just pounding balls at the driving range.
And Romeo Sierra has picked up a golf club as well...for those on Facebook you can see a video of her hitting a pure 7 iron at the Diversey Driving Range. Her response after the shot is pure joy--there is nothing more fun for ME than to see that glow in someone's eye after hitting a shot exactly how they wanted to hit it. I'd just like to have some of that joy myself!
Da Bulls
I've spent reader time blabbing about sports-related topics, and there's no reason this shouldn't be part of the July news bulletin. The Bulls didn't get Lebron, Dwyane Wade, or Chris Bosh, but they have worked hard to bring in a team that will be much improved next year. From a stud post-presence (Carlos Boozer) to a sharpshooting stud (Kyle Korver) and a tough as nails defender (Ronnie Brewer), the Bulls will be a tough team to beat. Will they be better than the Miami schmucks? Probably not, but I like the team-focused approach the Bulls have embraced, and with a coach that will work harder/smarter than his predesecsor I'm confident the 2010 - 2011 season will be very entertaining at 1901 W Madison. And Derrick Rose has spent his summer working his ass off, something that will pay off come next winter when he ascends to the NBA's elite.
Personal Commentary
Plenty has been blogged, read, discussed, and spewed about the Free Agent nonsense from national media outlets, and I don't think I have much to add to the conversation. But since its my blog and I can, I will.
I'm guessing there will be a date/time down the road when the Lebron James spectacle is looked back as a blowhard move by a blowhard athlete, and my hunch is he will feel the same way once some time passes. If he doesn't intellectually 'get it' he'll eventually see the impact of his decisions in his wallet. For every 2 fans he picked up by "taking his talents to south beach," he probably lost 1,000 elsewhere in the country. And those fans are the customers who buy his shoes, his uniform, and tickets to his games.
He's a young guy who has made some poor choices, and despite what America wants to tell him, he's going to have to learn from the consequences of his actions that there is a way to be honest, respectful, and considerate to his fans, employer, and teammates. He shit on a lot of people this past few months/years, and there will be a day he will look back on all of this and see how poorly he handled it. But until then, I wish him nothing but failure and a miserable experience in Dade County--which as I observed first hand is clearly the basketball hotbed of America. And I'm privately hoping for a lockout next summer that forces these guys to live on their non-NBA salary...then they'll learn what it means to think strategically about big decisions.
And for you Miami Heat PR Team and its loyal "fans": I want to make sure you're clear on the process for winning an NBA championship since you and the Heat organization/PR folks seem to have forgotten to complete some key parts of that work plan. I was embarassed to call myself a basketball fan when I saw that sham celebration (complete with keys to the city!) on TV. You're a disgrace to the game and those who worked their asses off to make the league what it is today.
But since I like to help others, please stick with the plan outlined below before conducting future 'celebrations':
Step 1: Assemble team
Step 2: Practice
Step 3: Scout opponents
Step 4: Create game plans
Step 5: Execute, revise game plans--hopefully winning enough to make the playoffs
Step 6: Win 16 games in the playoffs
Step 7: Celebrate
Off to a day of cleaning, fun, and great times tonight--hope all of you enjoy your weekends!
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