Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Question: Is blogging worth my time?

The last few days have offered a chance to be quiet, think about how life's going, and what's on the horizon in 2010. One of the areas I found myself thinking about was the blog, and my reasons for writing. My hope was to use the blog as a forum to: 1) get a chance to write creatively 2) document a year of big change in my life and 3) to keep friends updated on my life as I made that transition. Here's where I stand in those three areas after six months of this project:

Topic 1: Writing) I have enjoyed writing about life, observations, and other random things over the past few months. There have been some poorly written entries (in terms of style, outline, etc) and a few I thought I did pretty well. Like most things, writing is a skill we continue to improve on, and I'd like to think blogging has helped me improve in some way.

Topic 2: The Story of My Life) The last six months of 2009 are pretty well documented, and at times like this (the end of the year) it is nice to look back on some of those fun moments to remind me its been a cool year. Photographs also serve the same purpose, but its nice to know the story behind some of the experiences. Its also not an entire picture of my life, since there are some topics I don't write about in a public forum.

Topic 3: Keeping folks abreast of my life) When it comes down to it, we all rely on technology to stay connected. Telephones, emails, facebook, blogs, etc., are all part of our lives and will be for as long as most of us are alive. The blog was originally a travel blog for folks in Seattle and Chicago (and elsewhere) to ride along as I made the trek across the country. I could reach a broad audience at once, and didn't have to re-tell the same stories to everyone in my life.

At some point, the blog morphed in to a combination of "here's whats going on" and "here's what I'm thinking about." In terms of keeping folks abreast of my life, I'm pretty sure folks have a general idea for what's going on in my life. And there will continue to be adventures and interesting moments along the way that I'll probably share with many of you--the question is whether I still need a blog to achieve that purpose.

So as you can tell, I'm a bit of a crossroads in terms of whether to continue writing the blog in 2010, or I should ditch it and spend my free time doing other things--like writing the book I've wanted to complete.

I'm not feeling compelled one way or the other to continue, but I figured this would be a good time to turn it around and ask if folks are even reading (I have no way to track) and whether you like it. I can achieve the same three objectives (Writing practice, documenting my life, keeping folks abreast) in non-public formats--the question I'm trying to answer is whether sharing my life for the world to see is worth the time and (potential) exposure.

If you've gotten this far into this entry, you've probably formulated an opinion at some point about the blog so do me a favor and drop me an email ( or post your comments below (anonymous is fine) about the blog. I'll make a decision after I've given it some time to swirl around between the ears, but any input/feedback would be really appreciated.

Hope all of you celebrating Christmas enjoyed it,
Delta Whiskey

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