Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Night Wretcheds

A few years ago, a close friend and coworker (Alpha Sierra) introduced me to a term that perfectly described that "back to school/work" feeling we all get on Sunday nights. Sometime after dinner, the weekend comes to an end, and that sinking feeling of returning to work sets in. No matter how exciting work is, or how great the TV is on Sunday night, the Sunday Wretcheds inevitably creep into our conscience. There are some times when wretcheds are worse than others (if work had been shitty, weekend had been great, coming in from out of town, etc.) but they've always been there for me to some degree probably since about 4th grade when school began to get in the way of playing sports with my friends, wasting time with Nintendo, and doing all of the things I wanted to do.

Since tonight is the last night of the neverending weekend and a summer when I did all of the things I wanted to do, I expected a particularly severe, intense case of acute Sunday Wretcheds. However, I'm not as melancholy (good scrabble word) as I thought, and I'm excited to get back to wearing pants five days a week, being around adults, contributing something to the greater good (other than my blog), and collecting a paycheck to do those things. For most everyone involved, my return to work is a good thing and another new adventure to embark on.

I say "most" everyone is in support of this, because Annie (my dog) is probably the only one who will be upset about the whole thing. All summer long, she's had time to take long walks, whenever she felt like it, and I was there to help her explore her new territory. But with work about 40 minutes away, getting home to walk Annie during the day is not feasible, and although there's not much she'll do without anyone home for long chunks of time, she starts day 1 in a cage tomorrow. You see, Annie has been a bit of a pain in the ass around my sister's house. In addition to her usual antics, she's been terrorizing their cat, sleeping where she doesn't belong (namely furniture), and acting like a dog with no regard for human life or possessions. Of course, I'm partially to blame for her behavior, and I feel a little guilty about having her in a cage, so I went out and got her a roomy cage she can call her own. I'll even decorate it with her favorite things to make her feel more at home, and will post some pics when I get around to it.

In the meantime, I've got some clothes to lay out, a lunch to pack, and school supplies to organize in to my Karate Kid trapperkeeper. And yes, I'm kidding about all of those things.

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